Graphic Novels

After years of making mini comics, I am now working on my first long form graphic novel entitled “Pieces of Me”. The creation of it has been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

“Pieces Of Me” is a memoir about my psychotic break, told through a series of visual metaphors and real life events that emphasize my growing disconnection and break from reality. The first half, describing the break, is titled “The Ruins Of Everything I Love”. The second half, titled “Pieces Of Me”, starts with the metaphor of my mind literally being in pieces as I try various methods to put myself back together. These include therapy, medication, spirituality, pets, and relationships. It takes years of trial-and-error, hindered in part by my fear of institutionalization and medication, for me to be able to establish a sense of connection to the world and rebuild my connection to others - my relationships. 

Part 1 -The Ruins of Everything I Love

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Part 2 - Pieces of Me

Below you will see a few pages that have been created from the Chapter: Max - Foster Dog. The full Chapter was published in the SAW Anthology “In The News, Again”. You can purchase the anthology here.